Aurora seen from Brookline, MA, May 2024

Dr. Marissa F. Vogt, Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute (PSI)

My research interests are planetary magnetic fields, ionospheres, and aurora. I am a Participating Scientist with NASA’s Juno Mission, which has been in a polar orbit around Jupiter since 2016. I also use data from the Galileo mission to Jupiter (1996-2003) and the Hubble Space Telescope to study Jupiter’s magnetosphere and aurora. I am interested in how mass and energy are transported through the magnetosphere and how tail reconnection contributes to plasma transport at Jupiter, understanding the relative roles of internal factors vs. the solar wind in driving magnetospheric dynamics, and mapping features in Jupiter’s aurora to their source regions and processes in the magnetosphere.

I joined PSI in late 2023 and maintain an affiliation with Boston University's Center for Space Physics, where I worked from 2014 to 2024. I can be reached by e-mail at