I am a Participating Scientist with NASA’s Juno Mission, which has been in a polar orbit around Jupiter since 2016. I also use data from the Galileo mission to Jupiter (1996-2003) and the Hubble Space Telescope to study Jupiter’s magnetosphere and aurora. I am interested in how mass and energy are transported through the magnetosphere and how tail reconnection contributes to plasma transport at Jupiter, understanding the relative roles of internal factors vs. the solar wind in driving magnetospheric dynamics, and mapping features in Jupiter’s aurora to their source regions and processes in the magnetosphere.

From 2016 to 2018 I was an NSF postdoctoral fellow at Boston University studying the effects of the solar wind on Jupiter’s magnetosphere and aurora. In 2016 and 2017 I co-led an international team at the International Space Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland to study the solar wind influence on the magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. 

In 2014 I began working as postdoc for NASA’s MAVEN mission, which has been orbiting around Mars since 2014, studying the Martian upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and plasma environment. I use data from MAVEN and other spacecraft to study the structure and dynamics of the Martian ionosphere, and I am especially interested in understanding how the unique crustal magnetic field environment at Mars affects its ionosphere.

Accepted Funding Proposals

Below is a list of successful proposals for funding that I have submitted (as PI) to NASA, NSF, and STScI. Files linked below include only the main body of the proposal (e.g. the scientific/technical/merit section for NASA ROSES proposals). I have posted them publicly so that they can provide an example of successful research proposals for others in the scientific community, and also to increase transparency for the general public since the work is funded by federal tax dollars.